It's Been One Month Today

It's been one month. As a psychotherapist/Social Worker I've kept fairly quiet on Social Media about the Florida School shooting. Today, a month after the tragedy, I feel compelled to speak out about the effects of developmental trauma and how it impacts our nation. If you have not heard of the ACES study, please look it up, it provides valuable information about how traumatic stress effects our health. It also effects and changes our brains. As a nation we spend so much money on treating the symptoms of trauma (heart disease, anxiety, depression) by prescribing medication. We need to refocus our efforts on treating the victims of development trauma using evidenced based therapy (EMDR/Attachment focused EMDR). Otherwise, the cycle of trauma will continue. As a Walla Walla Washington principal once said, "We need to change the question from 'What's wrong with you' to 'What happened to you?' We need to change our system of care to help change the lives and the brains of victims of developmental trauma.